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Playing Out of Character

Jul 25, 2019

The fools are no longer split up. Magz and Elliot face conflict. Elliot attends a dinner party. Magz can't face reality. Leonard meets his match. Rowan organizes his first event. The gang gets bullied. Follow us on Twitter @POoCPOdcast.

Jul 17, 2019

The fools are split up (as always). Rowan meets up with his cannibalistic children friends. Magz opens the door to chance. Leonard spectates a grisly ritual. Elliot gets a new phone and makes a friend. The gang makes a plan. Follow us on Twitter @POoCPodcast.

WARNING: Seriously, this show has some adult content....

Jul 8, 2019

The fools continuously get into deeper trouble and everyone learns how to do something new. Rowan put rubber to the road with a demonic bike. Magz practices the careful art of free-falling. Leonard becomes a multi-purpose vehicle. Elliot tries his had a pyrotechnics. The gang has a chase scene. Follow us on...

Jul 1, 2019

Gaven chatted with Dragon from the Penance RPG podcast about gender relations in the U.K, the history of Brehon Law, draconic genders, and of course, tabletop.

WARNING: This episode has reference to sexual content and sexual assault